Fouad Al-Mansour, Ph.D.
He is an expert in energy efficiency, industrial energy systems, assessment and definition of energy efficiency parameters, renewable energy sources (RES), cogeneration of heat and power (CHP), bioenergy sources and technologies, energy system optimization in industry, carbon footprint modelling and calculation. He has actively participated in and coordinated national teams of numerous international projects dealing with energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, biomass co-firing, energy savings in industry, cogeneration of heat and power (Odyssee-Mure, Biomass co-firing, EurObserv’ER, Bioprom, etc.) and projects financed by ARRS. He is the reviewer of research projects (Hungary, Serbia etc.). He is the head researcher of »0106-006: Energy Efficiency Center« research group which participates in » Modelling and evaluation of impacts on environment and in energy« research programme. He is also the head of the national research team of H2020 ETEKINA project (Heat pipe technology for thermal energy recovery in industrial applications) and of H2020-Odyssee-Mure project. He is an author of several science articles published in international journals and at conferences. He is also a member of several scientific committees of international conferences (SEEP, ASEE, SEE-SDEWES) and a reviewer of scientific articles for several science journals for the area of energy.