Luka Tavčar, B.Sc.
His areas of work include calculations of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, where he is involved in projects to prepare projections and strategic documents for emission reductions. He is involved in the preparation of various documents and publications in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as in the revision and correction of documents in the domain of ministries. Having successfully completed his training as an energy manager (EUREM programme), his field of work also includes energy management and environmental management, and he has participated and is participating in several energy audits in industry and buildings. Most recently, the main occupation is related to the work within the LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE project – Targeted Training. In addition to the above, he has been a trainer for future operators of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), all new employees of the Krško NPP and companies cooperating with the Krško NPP that need basic knowledge on the operation of a nuclear power plant.