Jure Čižman, M.Sc.
Research and applicative projects on energy efficiency and RES consumption are the main areas of his work. Recently, he has focused on the use of GIS tools in energy. He is actively involved in international projects and is a member of the Education & Training Working Group of the international technological platform DHC+ established within the framework of Euroheat&Power.
He joined Jožef Stefan Institute as an expert consultant in 2013. Before, he worked as a secretary at the public institute Slovenian Accreditation. Among other tasks, he worked as a leading and expert assessor, an evaluator in European conformity assessment system and led assessor trainings. From 1999 to 2001, he worked as the head of inspection bodies at Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. His first employment was at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, where he worked as an assistant and received his master̛ s degree in 1998.