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Energy efficiency | Učinkovita raba energije |
17. 05. 2023

was held on February 21st 2023 at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Reactor Centre Podgorica, Brinje 40, 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani, where invited stakeholders such as VET providers, representatives of the Universities, energy managers, facility managers, architects, engineers (civil, electrical and mechanical), local energy agencies and representatives of ESCOs attended. The event began with the welcoming of the participants and a short presentation of the Energy Efficiency Centre of the Jožef Stefan Institute and its educational and training activities. After welcoming, an introduction to the EEE project was made and the main activities of the EEE project were explained, with a focus on ideas that initially triggered the project. Additionally, a presentation of the consortium involved in the project, the target groups, aims and objectives and the project outputs was done. After the general presentation about the project, more specific and detailed presentations were given on the Intellectual Outputs of the EEE project (IO1 – CV Framework, IO2 – Training material, IO2 – OER Platform and IO3 – Best cases). After this session, a short coffee break was done and then the main functionalities of the platform and learning materials were presented. This part was also dedicated to the participants for discussion, questions and answers and also for the evaluation of the event. The last hour of the event was dedicated to the networking among lecturers and participants which also initiated a very interesting debate and interaction between participants.

The Slovenian Multiplier Event was very well accepted by all participants expressing their satisfaction both verbally and in writing through good feedback questionnaires. Obtained an overall grade of 4.85/5 was given to the event and confirms the success of the overall organisation. Participants expressed their willingness to cooperate with us in the future exploitation of the results of the EEE project. Many of them said that they will use our materials in their future educational activities. Some of the participants suggested verbally during the networking session that we should consider organisation of trainings for trainers/future users of the OER Platform in order to maintain the quality of delivered lectures. Also, the event produced an important echo among targeted stakeholders and we have received an e-mail from the representative of the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and its Sub-chamber for the construction sector and construction industry asking for a meeting to discuss potential future cooperation.

Highlights from the event

Učinkovita raba energije |
17. 05. 2023

About the project

The goal of the EEE project is to develop a VET training able to transfer digital, green, entrepreneurial and financial skills directly impacting the development of more energyefficient buildings.

In January 2020 the EU Green Deal was announced by the EU Commission as a fundamental policy initiative. The goal is to make Europe a climate-neutral continent by protecting our natural habitat, thus enhancing the well-being of people, the planet and also the economy. In order to reach this goal, the Green Deal seeks to bring important innovations also in the construction industry.

40% of our energy consumption is due to buildings and renovating buildings will help people to cut their energy bills and energy use. By using energy more efficiently and thereby consuming less, Europeans can lower their energy bills, help protect the environment and reduce the EU’s reliance on external suppliers of oil and gas. Energy efficiency needs to be improved throughout the full energy chain, from production to final consumption.

So, it is crucial that the technical professionals have the tools to improve energy efficiency, not just for customers who request it, but also in their workplaces and to increase the competitiveness of their businesses. As a result, the adoption of energy efficiency measures for buildings has created a strong demand for digital and green skills for smart metering and home automation technologies. Technicians in this field apart from technical proficiency, require a combination of digital and environmental skills to respond to the installation, maintenance, and programming of smart metering and energy efficiency systems. Moreover, they need entrepreneurial and financial skills to better manage their business and to be able to propose a clear and comprehensive proposal to customers.

The Erasmus+ KA2 Energy Efficiency Expert project addresses all the above.

Who is it for?

This project is for trainers, consultants, coaches of SMEs/enterprises and engineers and architects, technicians (electricians or surveyors) and small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the construction sector.

Our website

For all the latest updates, feel free to visit our website at

EEE project step by step

The kick-off meeting

On the 27th of November, the Erasmus+ KA2 Energy Efficiency Expert project held its online Kick-off meeting. During the meeting a project overview with all the activities that will be conducted the next 25 months were analysed and emphasis was given on the first output and the next steps of implementation.

Intellectual Output 1 (IO 1)

IO1’s main intent was to define a professional profile that could easily conjugate technical knowledge / skills / competences and management / financial skills / mindset. The IO1 aimed at taking into consideration Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency that includes training and education, such as energy advisory programmes, that lead to the application of energy-efficient technology or techniques and have the effect of reducing end-users’ energy consumption.

Results of IO 1

  • 10 EEE Profiles,
  • 22 Macro Activities (divided into 117 Activities and 72 Micro Activities),
  • 52 Knowledge,
  • 27 Hard Skills,
  • 15 Soft Skills,
  • 37 Competences,
  • 16 Tags (with 132 possible sub-categorizations).

Intellectual Output 2 (IO 2)

Between the 8th-9th of June 2022, the consortium of the KA2 Erasmus+ project: Energy Efficiency Expert (EEE) conducted the second transnational meeting in a hybrid form. Some partners joined online, and some in Slovenia.

Results of IO 2

This intellectual output consists of creating the methodology and the content of the training course. The partnership developed a training dedicated to trainers in order to multiply their ability to transfer energy efficiency knowledge and innovative financial instruments knowledge to the construction sector professionals. To reach this aim, two main sections were identified:

1. Section 1: Learning methodology definition (Syllabus) that outlines:

  • Who is the target of the training
  • A schematic introduction of the competencies transferred
  • A description of the length and tools needed to complete the training
  • An indication of further materials to deepen the knowledge
  • A description of the validation system

2. Section 2: Training content creation that covers three main topics:

  • Technical/digital content:

– Environmental sustainability (green building)

– Automation and control (smart building)

– Cost-effectiveness (cost-optimal building)

  • Entrepreneurial content (EntreComp framework)
  • Financial content


On the 27th – 28th of February 2023, the Erasmus+ KA2 Energy Efficiency Expert project hold a transnational project meeting in Torino, Italy, hosted by Politecnico Di Torino.  Multiplier Events that took place in the member countries of the project were presented at the meeting.


The Multiplier Event in Slovenia was held on February 21st 2023 at the Jožef Stefan Institute, Reactor Centre Podgorica, Brinje 40, 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani.

The Multiplier Event in Slovenia>>>


The Italian EEE Multiplier Event was held on February 27th, 2023, at the Aula Capetti, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, Turin, Italy.


The EEE Belgian Multiplier Event was organised on 10/02/2023 in CBE- Cooperation Bancaire pour l’Europe office.


The first Multiplier Event was held in the community on the 11th of February 2023 at Agia Varvara near Nicosia. The second Multiplier Event was held on the 19th of February 2023, at the mall of Cyprus near Nicosia.


The multiplier event took place on the 27th of February at Politeknika Txorierri.

Učinkovita raba energije |
07. 02. 2018

Od konca leta 2017 dalje lahko na spletu preizkusite “beta” različico aplikacije ENERFUND, ki ponuja informacije iz energetskih izkaznic v strukturirani kartografski obliki, vključujoč nekatere dodatne kazalnike, s katerimi je okarakterizirana energetska učinkovitost stavb v več evropskih državah ter njihov potencial za prenove.

Spletno orodje je bilo zasnovano zlasti za naslednje tri ciljne skupine:

  • finančne institucije, da lažje pridobijo zanesljive informacije in bolje prepoznajo nove naložbene priložnosti pri prenovi stavb;
  • podjetja za energetske storitve kot podporo pri ugotavljanju novih poslovnih priložnosti in ocenjevanju možnih prihrankov energije v posameznih stavbah;
  • občine in lokalne skupnosti, da enostavneje ocenijo energetsko učinkovitost svojih stavb in določijo prioritete za energetske prenove.

Raziščite možnosti, ki jih nudi aplikacija in nam pošljite vaša mnenja, predloge ali vprašanja na ali na

Naslednja posodobitev orodja ENERFUND z razširjenimi funkcionalnostmi in več podatki bo na voljo predvidoma v februarju 2018.

Na kratko o projektu

ENERFUND je evropski projekt, financiran iz sredstev programa EU Obzorje 2020 in usmerjen predvsem v razvoj (spletnega) orodja za podporo odločanju glede strategij energetskih prenov ter pri financiranju prenov stavbnega fonda. Zastavlja si ambiciozen cilj: povečanje naložb v celovite obnove stavb s poudarkom na boljši ozaveščenosti javnosti, krepitvi zaupanja, dostopnosti različnih shem financiranja in spodbud ter možnosti zanesljivih obnov. Projekt traja 36 mesecev, od februarja 2016 do januarja 2019.

Bodite na tekočem z dogajanjem na projektu ter imejte dostop do vseh rezultatov – za obveščanje se prijavite na

Želite izvedeti več? Oglejte si multimedijske predstavitve

Pridobite več informacij o projektu ENERFUND, njegovih rezultatih in spletni aplikaciji ter si oglejte videoposnetke (samo v angleškem jeziku), ki vam bodo v strnjeni obliki ponudili odgovore na nekaj osnovnih vprašanj.

Komu je namenjena aplikacija ENERFUND in zakaj jo uporabiti?

Kako uporabljati aplikacijo ENERFUND?